Introduction du projet open source auprès des développeurs
Comment un développeur open source Freeduse crée de la rémunération et devient associé
Le fondateur Freeduse présente l'ensemble du projet open source et tous les bénéfices perceptibles par les développeurs Java, Android, iOS ou DevOps qui rejoignent le projet.
Durant cette vidéo vous découvrirez :
- quel type de besoin est couvert par la solution technologique
- le détail des composants développés et l'architecture des systèmes, plateformes...
- un gagnant-gagnant modèle de capitalisation et de revenus offert aux contributeurs
- les cas d'utilisation couverts par l'expérimentation pilote PlugnUse et le détail du plan de versions
- une claire trajectoire 2020-2021 et son état d'avancement
- pourquoi c'est profitable pour un développeur de saisir l'une des opportunités en se positionnant
- le rôle de chaque membre de l'équipe et les talents complémentaires recherchés
Envie d'en savoir plus pour devenir contributeur ?
How Design Patterns keep software cost under control
Freeduse presents the integration strategy implemented by its software layers to reduce the cost of knowledge sharing with technological partners and to propose a flexible and reliable technology.
Discover here the design model regarding the integration of Freeduse software layers in a Event-Driven approach from the Freeduse Mobile Application SDK to Business Process APIs provided by Freeduse Platform.
The Routing Slip Model as a Composed Service is your Friend
Some Enterprise Integration Patterns are combined to standard Design Patterns that allow flexible evolution of business processes implementation (eg adding processing steps) and low coupling regarding the routes between systems and processes (eg dynamic routing setting).

The Routing Slip combines the central control of the super-router approach with the efficiency of a hard-wired routing solution.
Don't hesitate to use standard design patterns with a subtle combination that give to any software architecture a high level of flexibility and full control to the IT teams to work in parallel for serve the market dynamics.
How the Domain-Driven-Design is the ideal architecture to develop IoT Services?
What's a Domain-Driven-Design approach?
DDD gives you both the strategic and tactical modeling tools necessary to design high-quality software that meets core business objectives and that allow to:
- Put domain experts and developers on a level playing field, which produces software that makes perfect sense to the business, not just the coders.</span
- Making software that is as close as possible to what the business leaders and experts would create if they were the coders.
- The design is the code, and the code is the design.
How to be focus on the 3 main topics required to build a Pay-As-You-Use solution flexible for Product Manufacturers and Retailers
Functional Focus: Create a Service Delivery offer, Define Better Price, Book a Product Usage, and Pay a Service Usage
The manufacturer of a finished product included innovative capabilities need to propose a solution including all the business services required by the retailer, and/or by the operator, to propose a Pay-As-You-Use offer on his market.