Don't own product. Only pay as you use it

Anywhere Without Internet Connection Required.

Freeduse allows product providers to rent features of products deployed in place without need of Internet connection with a pay-as-you-use pricing model for the customers.

Try For Free!

No Internet cost for the service provider

No Subscription for the customer

Self Service easy to deploy

Your Customer Pay Only What He Use

In front of your product, without any subscription, your customer use his smartphone to activate the product features that he want and pays for that. The product which use the smartphone embedded Internet connection, manage the payment checking and start to deliver the requested features. When the service delivery is finished, the product return in unusable mode and waits the next customer.

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Deploy the Pay As You Use Business Model on your market

Low cost approach for the service provider with products already deployed where Internet link is costly

Revenue sharing is now possible between the manufacturer and the retailer without recurring cost and that’s reduced programmed obsolescence.

Self service is easy to deploy and reduce the maintenance cost of infrastructure without investment in costly payment solution.

Here’s How

It’s not magic, it’s a powerful set of core-features and open technology.
The Freeduse team is working with the lasted blockchain method, the low cost wireless networks and smartphone technologies.

No wonder that Freeduse can effortlessly activate a product feature without permanent Internet connection and in a secure way. You benefit by integrating this capabilities in a product with an intuitive mobile SDK and an open source codes package ready to be added to your product.

Start Completely
Free of Charge

Freeduse Product Agent gives your product the essentials: capabilities to talk over Bluetooth with a mobile app in a secure discussion regarding the product features to manage in a pay-as-you-use based model.

Easy to Include
in Custom Mobile Apps

Freeduse Mobile Library and online documentation helps developers for quick adding of Freeduse features in any native mobile app (service provider or product manufacturer). The blockchain technology is integrated without any effort.

Hidden Platform with
Cost Based on Usages

Freeduse Platform is not visible by your customers, and manage all the product activations, without effort from the company who purpose the products through a pay-as-you-use offer.

Blockchain Model

Blockchain technology ensures that all payment transactions are valid before to active the product features

Native Mobile SDK

Pre-configured Freeduse native libraries are easy to include in any mobile app

Low Cost Bluetooth

Bluetooth wireless connectivity is used for a low cost manufacturing into each product powered by Freeduse

Flexible Java Platform

Cloud platform is available with a cost based on each product activation, or can be deployed on a third-party's infrastructure with a licensing model

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Secure Your Pole Position Now!

The private beta will launch soon. Register now for a personal invite and put the clever tool that will revolutionize your offer delivery in front of your competitors

Private beta on invitation only, no obligation.
Security and data protection guaranteed. No IT effort.

Ready to Get Started?
Freeduse is free to use.

Let’s Work Together